
Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ,

To say the least this has been a very trying few months. Actually, it’s been a little more than a year, but who’s keeping track. It all began last year with votes to disaffiliate and now we have The General Conference changing the rules. Many people became upset and left the church over these issues and I guess that’s their prerogative.

For those of us who have chosen to stay, we will face some hardships and broken relationships, but it also a time of opportunity. We have the opportunity to proclaim our identity as followers of Jesus Christ dedicated to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and love our neighbors while we pray for those who are lost. We have the opportunity to revive our passion for making disciples of Jesus Christ, and renew our commitment to mission and ministry. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2, NIV) We must continue to trust in God to provide. When we have faith and trust God, we can accomplish great things. As our faith grows stronger, the workers will come and we will reap a bountiful harvest.

We can begin by inviting our friends and families to participate in the Family Game Night/Picnic at Clark Trinity and the Ice Cream Social at Charleston. Remember Jesus made disciples by building relationships and expects us to grow and maintain our churches through relationships. Relationships with God and others. When we work together, we can increase the workers and gather the harvest.

May God bless you, your families and our churches.

Because of Jesus!!!

Pastor Bill

Clark Trinity UM Church

PO Box 123, 96 Charles St.
Clark, PA 16113
Phone:  724-962-2340
Sunday Schedule
Worship:             9:30am
Sunday School:  10:45am

Charleston UMC

1169 Greenfield Road
Hermitage, PA 16148-5101
Phone:  724-346-4455
Sunday Schedule
Traditional Worship:  11:00am
Sunday School:         10:00am
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